Videoframtiden er her
Jeg ble nylig obs på at ChatGPT-konkurrenten Google Bard nå har en integrering med Youtube slik at den kan se og gi oppsummeringer og innholdsspesifikke svar! Tenk å kunne mate den med TED-talks eller videoserier som omhandler et tema du prøver å lære deg, for så å kunne stille spørsmål basert på videoinnholdet. Det blir romjula mi i år.
Jeg testa dette med en talkshow-video på 19 minutter, og etter 10 sekunder kom den med en lang liste over alle spørsmål som ble stilt:
"Sure, here are all the questions that Sean Evans asked Wanda Sykes in the video called "Wanda Sykes Confesses Everything While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones" on YouTube:
Round 1:
What was your first stand-up gig like?
What was your first big break in comedy?
What was it like working with Oprah Winfrey?
What was it like working with Larry David?
What was your favorite episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to work on?
Round 2:
What's the worst thing you've ever seen at a White House Correspondents' Dinner?
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on stage?
What's your favorite thing about being a comedian?
What's the most challenging thing about being a comedian?
What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a comedian?
Round 3:
What's your favorite thing about being a wife and a mother?
What's the most challenging thing about being a wife and a mother?
What's your favorite moment from your twins' lives?
What's the most embarrassing thing your kids have ever done?
What do you want your kids to know when they grow up?
Round 4:
What's your favorite thing about being a dog owner?
What's the most embarrassing thing your dog has ever done?
What's your favorite dog breed?
What's your favorite thing about living in Los Angeles?
What's your favorite thing about being famous?
Round 5:
What's your favorite thing about being a philanthropist?
What's your favorite charity that you work with?
What's one thing you're really proud of?
What's one thing you're still working on?
What's one thing you're looking forward to in the future?"
Kreative sommerfugler i magen
For noen muligheter som nå åpner seg for å kunne gjøre research eller dypdykk i timesvis med materiale! ChatGPT kan stilles spørsmål via PDF'er og lignende, og nå kan Bard det samme med videoer. Hvor er popcorn-emojien når man trenger den? 🍿 Ah der ja!